Jonathan A. Cerruto


Jonathan A. Cerruto

Jonathan A. Cerruto

Suspense, New Adult Romance, LGBT, Fantasy, Horror

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  • Member Since

    Apr 2023

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  • Born

    5 October

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Jonathan A. Cerruto was born in Canada, on a cold night in October, it was winter in 1981. He moved to Italy at the age of four with his family and it was at a very early age that he discovered his passion for arts, fashion, design and storytelling. That fire drove him to start writing his first novel in 2005.
He graduated in Milan at the Marangoni Institute as a fashion designer. However, written words and lyrics were his biggest passion and only in 2012, when he moved to London, he found the right motivation, courage and inspiration to speak his truth and express himself via his writings. He attended a Creative Writing and Basics of Song-writing course at The City College in London.

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